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Gorge Gear Library

The Problem:


We all can admit that foiling equipment is expensive. So expensive in fact that most of us can't afford to make many mistakes in our purchases before we are locked into gear that is, very possibly, the wrong gear for us. Equipment is evolving at a rapid rate, different riders need different types of gear, and sometimes when you travel you don't want to bring everything you need on the plane. Demo days are great, but we all know that tracking down a brand on a scheduled date is brutal. Conditions don't always line up, life gets in the way, and next thing you know you showed up 5 minutes late and someone else has the foil you wanted to try on their board already. 


The Idea:


The Gorge Gear Library will be a place for crowd sourced gear rentals, demos, exchanges. The hope is that this will:

1. Provide an affordable opportunity to all riders to test or "check out" equipment year round. 

2. Hold riders accountable for losses and damages by using a buyback system for gear testing.

3. Provide a much more financially viable option for testing (demos here are $100 a day per item for new equipment).

4. Put money back into the communities pockets to lighten the financial load of foiling. 


How it works:


Anyone can list a piece of gear in the library. When listed, the owner will note the condition of the gear, the "checkout" fee as well as a "buyback" fee. 


Checkout Fee: List the item for the value that you would want out of it if it sold today. You do this, because you are actually selling the gear short term. Theoretically, the person who walks away with your gear could lose it, destroy it, or desperately want to keep it. You don't want to be hosed if someone destroys your board. This fee holds them accountable. If you don't mind them keeping the item, then just let them know ahead of time that they have that option and price it accordingly. If you 100% want it back, then list the item for full retail plus shipping cost. 


Buyback Fee: Prior to checkout, you agree upon a buyback fee that is fair to both users. "If you return my gear in the same condition, I'll buy it back for $100 less after a week of use." You can offer any price and timeline conditions you want. I, personally don't want to be checking gear in and out every  single day. Plus, gear demos are way more enjoyable when you have a week to try them out. So, i'll probably do 7 day sales with a buyback of $100 less for a lot of my gear. 


Who can use this?


Anyone really. Locals can post gear up for beginners to advanced riders. Travelers to the gorge can post that they want to check out specific types of gear when they arrive. Travelers leaving the gorge can check out travel friendly gear (inflatables, different wing sizes for your destination, surf vs downwind foils, etc). 


Do's and Don'ts:


Don't list your favorite stuff! If you would be devastated to lose your brand new Mikes Lab foil, then don't put it in the Library. 


Do give friendly and fair terms for your items. This is about helping each other out, not becoming rich off our friends. 


Don't list bad gear. If you know your wing is bagged out and terrible, don't sucker anyone into checking it out so you can make a few bucks. 


Do have fun with it! This is a great way to try new equipment, share your stoke with others, and tune your kit to perfection with a very minimal financial investment. 


My Contribution and Commitment:


I'll run the facebook group and intend to keep some wings and boards in the gear library. Hopefully a variety of foils one day! Any money that I happen to make off of the Gear Library I will use to purchase additional gear for the Library. 

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